
”  杭州国际社区的外国友人和在杭居民共同录制了一段视频,深情诉说着他们对中国的爱与鼓励。来自巴基斯坦、亚美尼亚、突尼斯、印度、荷兰、阿尔及利亚、爱尔兰、乌克兰、格鲁吉亚、西班牙、美国、法国等十余个国家和地区的朋友,用中文、英语和家乡语言为中国祝福:


来源:中国旅游报 2020-02-15 21:54
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2020年元月,一场严峻的全民“战疫”打响。杭州生活着20000多名外籍人士, 面对这场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,他们之中的大多数选择了留在杭州,留在家中,与这座城市休戚与共。尽管外出的步伐受到了影响,生活也不如往常便捷,但他们乐观积极,为第二故乡杭州加油,为中国加油,共克时艰。

The fight against the novel coronavirus started from January in Hangzhou where more than 20,000 international residents are residing. Over the sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, most of them stayed indoors. Although the daily life is not as convenient as usual at this very moment, they stay optimistic and keep cheering China up for the battle.


International students at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology shot the video to support China.


Akram, from the Republic of Yemen, an international student at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology in Hangzhou, invited international students to shoot videos to cheer up Hangzhou and China.

“I love China, so that I hope I can do something for the country. However, the only thing I can do is to encourage the people by the videos. I would like to extend my appreciation to all doctors and nurses. And also, not to forget the great job done by the International Student Affairs Center (ISAC) of our university ZUST, they take care of us.”


According to Gao Zhisheng, director of the management office of International Student Affairs Center of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, about 600 international students in the college are now staying in Hangzhou and they are all in good condition and maintain positive attitudes.


Ma Yichen, the counsellor for international students at Hangzhou Normal University said that over 200 international students stayed at the campus. Some of them released a series of short videos as to fight against the novel coronavirus. Li Chenyang from Uzbekistan, a student at Alibaba Business School of Hangzhou Normal University, uploaded a video to Douyin, giving a demonstration on how to wear a face mask correctly and asking people to stay indoors. Ma Zhenhang, a Yemeni student, was talking in his mother tongue to brief his motherland on China's great efforts and determination in winning the battle.


Wang Xin, an international student from Thailand, regards Hangzhou as her second homeland. She assumed that the battle will be ended up soon “because it’s China and the people are invincible! Come on!”


Expats andresidents from Hangzhou International Community Center shot a video to express their deep attachment for China as well as to encourage the nation to continue keeping strong when fighting against the novel coronavirus.


People from countries and regions including Pakistan, Armenia, Tunisia, India, the Netherlands, Algeria, Ireland, Ukraine, Georgia, Spain, the US, France have sent their best wishes for China:


China, you’re not alone. We’ll get through this.


Wuhan, please keep being strong. Everything will be OK.


Don’t lose hope China. We are praying for you.


Let’s fight together against the virus for humanity and this land.


Stay strong Wuhan! Stay strong China! You can do it!


“They posted selfie videos to the community group to cheer China up, which is very touching,” said Liu Tian, director of Hangzhou International Community Center.


We believe that, just like the words whole heartedly spoken in the videos, “Love and hope travel more swiftly than any virus could hope,” “At its end, may this harrowing winter leave us not but a shallow and wispy smile,” with efforts from everyone in the country, the battle waged against the virus will be won soon. Go China!

(刘益梅 李筝 金盈盈)

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